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8 Powerful Benefits of star fruit for your Health

Benefits of star fruit for health - Starfruit has a very unique shape like a star. Starfruit there are sweet and some are sour. Starfruit also has benefits for your health because they contain many nutrients such as iron, vitamin E, calcium, potassium, fiber, protein, vitamin C and vitamin B6.

Approximately 100 grams of star fruit, contain 31 calories which is much lower than the tropical fruits more popular. This is the reason why you should consume starfruit. For more details of what starfruit for health benefits, see the article below.

Benefit of Starfruit

  1. Rich in Antioxidants. Starfruit contains many antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols. Some types of this important flavonoids including quercetin, gallic acid and epicatechin. Total polyphenols in these fruits at 43 mg / 100 g. These compounds help protect us from the effects of free radicals
  2. Prevent and heal canker sores. Pain and injuries occur in the mouth area, it's a sign you are subject to canker sores. Thrush can occur when the body lacks vitamin C. Vitamin C is contained in star fruit can prevent and treat canker sores.
  3. Free Radical antidote. Cancer is one of the effects of free radicals. Starfruit contains polyphenols that can protect us from free radicals
  4. Healthful digestion. When the body is less fiber, we will be difficult to defecate. Consuming starfruit can be a great option for leatherback contain plenty of fiber. When the body needs enough fiber, digestive system healthy.
  5. Helps Lose Weight. For those of you who are dieting, eating starfruit be a good choice. Because the Carambola calories at 30 calories per fruit. So it is very good for those of you who want to lose weight, by providing this fruit in your daily diet menu.
  6. Prevent Stroke. Star fruit contains minerals and electrolytes such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Potassium is used to regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Too many people treat hypertension by eating starfruit regularly.
  7. Prevent Hair Loss. Starfruit vitamins C and B. Vitamin C serves to strengthen the hair roots so that it can prevent hair loss. While Vitamin B can make your hair healthy and shiny.
  8. Nourish Skin. Using the leatherback as a mask had very nice benefit. Zinc and anti-microbial Effect in leatherback can prevent the acne and oily skin cope.

Now that's a 8 powerful Benefits of star fruit for your health. Hopefully useful and increase knowledge.


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