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TOP!! 8 Vegetables for a Healthy Diet

8 Vegetables for a Healthy Diet Weight Down - One type of food that become a friend of someone who was healthy diet is vegetables. Vegetables are already known to contain many nutrients that are not only incomplete but also balanced. So in addition to good to lose weight, vegetables are also highly recommended for those who want to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating vegetables are one of the ways a person to be healthy and maintain their health until old age later.
However, specifically to lose weight naturally, not all types of vegetables can you eat every day. There are some vegetables that is claimed to be the best vegetable because of its content required by a dieter. Especially if you have digestive problems. What are some of the vegetables in question? Here's his review for you.

This 8 vegetables are best for weight loss

Vegetables for a Healthy Diet

1. Spinach

It has often been discussed in other articles on this website that spinach contains very good for health, say flavonoids that can actually help prevent cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease. No wonder, if spinach green vegetables have become Popeye to increase muscle strength. It turns out there is some point, right?

2. Tomato

Technically speaking, the tomato is also known as fruit, until there who knew him as the tomato fruit. However, many who use the tomato as a vegetable, such as inserting in cooking soup, sauce making, and others. Tomatoes have excellent content such as lycopene. Where the contents are good in tomatoes is associated with the prevention of cancer cell proliferation. Moreover indeed tomatoes also contain vitamins A and K, which can help maintain blood pressure.

3. Carrot

From the first, Wörter already known as one of the most popular vegetables to the diet. In addition to the benefits of good that we can get such benefits to the skin and eyes. Besides good for the eyes, carrots are rich in vitamin A and C can also help keep blood sugar levels as well as good for the heart.

4. Cabbage

Kol was also one of the vegetables that fall into both categories for a healthy diet and fast, you know? The reason, as well as cabbage contains only 21 calories. Cabbage can be a good option to be included in your low-fat diet. Because of its calories slightly and other good content as diverse as thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin A, K, and C, until folate, manganese, and potassium. It also contains vitamin E. However, most do not eat cabbage because it can be carbonated. To fix this, you can cook the vegetables to the diet this one with ginger and garlic.


5. Eggplant

Not hard to find healthy vegetables for this natural diet in Indonesia. Yes, eggplant into one vegetable that is easy processing and can be found anywhere. Can be processed into a stir-fry, as fresh vegetables or penyetan, and so forth. Vegetables are easily processed also contains small amounts of calories, fiber, and potassium. And the facts prove that eggplant can help reduce the risk of stroke and dementia, and can be used to help maintain heart health.

6. Broccoli

Not surprisingly, the broccoli into one of the vegetables that fall into the category of vegetables are best for a quick diet. It is not separated from the content-rich broccoli and the benefits are many. Folate, beta carotene, vitamin C until the vegetables to the diet contained in this fastest. Green vegetables this one also has the benefit of good for the lungs, digestive system, to the prevention of cancer, flu, and cough. Eating broccoli is also believed to boost the immune system.

7. Paprika

Peppers, red and yellow both have very good content to help you lose weight. Two of the other content in peppers that you need to know is lycopene and folic acid.

8. Asparagus

Indeed, not many Indonesian people who cook asparagus or asparagus in the refrigerator prepare them. However, if you're in a healthy diet, there's nothing wrong if you try to diet veggie menu this one. Because the asparagus is very good for human beings, especially women. Since it contains folate, fiber, and vitamin B6. The content of sodium in the asparagus is also very little. Instead, the content potasiumnyalah more. So that this vegetable has the benefit that is needed, namely to keep our body fit and able to work in a healthy condition.

You can choose red potatoes, yellow, and purple. Ubi who has a sweet taste proved to have the content of manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin A which is pretty much that it becomes one of the vegetables for a healthy diet and fast to lose weight super fast. In addition to the fiber content is also quite a lot.


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