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Kinds of Fitness Equipment To Lose Weight and How to Use Them

Gym balls: Fitness equipment and how to use them - You're looking for some kind of fitness equipment that can help you lose weight? I attended back in this opportunity to review some of the kinds of fitness equipment and fitness the right way to use these tools. Various types of fitness equipment available in sports stores both offline and online in this modern age, but how should you use these tools each use to reduce your weight.

how to use fitness equipment

Buying fitness equipment without knowing how to use them as you go to the market without carrying money. In this article I will show you a simple tutorial in using some good fitness tool in a variety of exercises that will get the results in accordance with your wishes.

Swiss Ball and Variations The exercise

Swiss ball is often referred to as (gym ball) is not just a regular ball. Maybe you think that the ball is a tool used to play. It is not entirely wrong if the ball is there to be played, but not like basketball or legs how to play with the reflected or bounced-kicked to and fro. Gym Ball has become one of the effective tools among the fitness enthusiast, not only to increase muscle exercise patterns, but also used for something else, such as physiotherapy and other health problems.

1. Swiss Ball Jackknife

The first variation of exercises that can be done with a swiss ball is an exercise that is often called ball Jackknife. This exercise focuses on the lower abdomen muscles. How to do this is quite simple, namely by taking a position as push-ups while both feet propped on a swiss ball. Push ups are generally rested his foot on the floor but in this exercise, your legs should be concentrated on the gym ball. Continue with swiss ball rolling backward until leg pulled back.

gym ball 1
image: carafitnes
Repeat the same movement in motion several times. This exercise can also be used to focus on training the arm muscles, because basically the body weight restrained if your hands are perpendicular to the floor. Or if you want to add a bit of variety to it, you can add push-ups when the ball rolled away to the rear.

2. Swiss Ball Abs Rolling Out

A variety of exercises using a Swiss ball second is the "abs roll out" using a swiss ball. Maybe you've heard of a fitness tool called ab rolling. This form of fitness equipment such as small wheels used to exercise semi-planking. Its main function is to tighten the abdominal muscles. The concept of this second exercise variations are virtually identical to the movement of planking, it's just that we use swiss ball instead. Maybe for people who are accustomed to using ab roller, using a swiss ball exercises, including very easy to do. But this exercise is very good to reach more fiber in your stomach muscles. So, this exercise is worth a try.

gym ball 2
image: carafitnes
The steps you have to do is take a position as being seated on the back of the swiss ball. Try to position your body does not bend. Put your elbows resting on the gym ball. To begin this exercise, you need to relax your back and swiss ball started rolling it forward along with the body. Try to emphasize the focus on the abdominal contraction. To be effective, a stop at the position where the ball rolled in front for a few seconds until the planking movement similar position to maximize contraction. After his return scroll ball into the back, like the original position. Do this in a few reps.

3. Abs Crunches Using a Swiss Ball

A variety of exercises using a Swiss ball crunching the third is to use the swiss ball. For those of you who like to train your abdominal muscles to get six pack abs, crunches term may no longer be foreign to the ear. Crunches are a movement similar contract your abdominal muscles to sit up, but just focus on the central points on the abdominal muscles. These exercises do not remove the entire upper body goes up, but simply folded up and put pressure on the abdominal muscles.

Tutorial exercises using a Swiss ball I read an exclusive interview conducted from a fitness expert along one of the star action film titled The Expendables Terry Crews at the training session. This exercise is quite easy to do. You just need to lie on a Swiss ball with the supine position while bending your knees form a 90 degree angle resting on the floor. Put both hands behind your head (or in addition to the fine), and then lift the body up like you do crunches movement, then returned to its original position. Feel the contraction, and do this movement in a few reps to get maximum results.

gym ball 3
images: carafitnes
Besides doing crunches common movement with swiss ball, you can also vary the movement by using the gym ball crunches this. For example doing crunches side movement or motion Superman fly by using a swiss ball. Maybe some of you have questions about why using a swiss ball when we can do the usual crunches on the floor? The answer is, a contraction that was created from the foundation of swiss ball over have different resistance. Flexibility swiss ball is unique and can be given the impact on this part of the exercise is not necessarily affected by regular crunches. In addition, this exercise is very good for the recovery process ongoing back injury.

4. Swiss Ball Hip Extension

Exercise variation using the swiss ball the fourth is hip extension is a favorite among women. This exercise is often touted as an effective exercise for cardio functions, lose weight, lose belly fat, and the most sought after is its effectiveness in toning the muscles of the thigh. What woman would not want a sexy thighs and legs. Definitely a lot of women want it. This exercise is very effective to help get the results you desire.

gym ball 4
image: carafitnes
How to do this is quite simple. You just need to lie flat on the floor to put the feet and resting on the gym ball. Position straight body forms an angle of 45 degrees and a swiss ball parallel to your waist. Lift the legs up one by one in turn. Feel the contraction obtained in the thigh muscles and your back muscles. Repeat this movement a few reps to get maximum results.

Now that's a discussion of tools Gym and variations movement, in a special edition swiss ball could I bagikani. There are still a lot of fitness equipment others that have different functions and variations to lose weight or increase your muscle mass.

Continue to update the hottest articles from me, so you do not miss on the info about the fitness equipment and a tutorial. Happy experimenting with swiss ball !!


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