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9 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon For Your Body

The benefits of watermelon for a healthy body - Generally, watermelon has a red color. Although some are colored yellow. Watermelon is perfect in the dining when the weather is hot, because the fruit contains a lot of water and can quench thirst.

Watermelon is cheap and readily available as in the market and the fruit store. A watermelon can serve as a dessert or bring a picnic because it tastes fresh.

The benefits of watermelon for a healthy body

Nutritional content Watermelon

The watermelon fruit is a member of the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. One cup of diced watermelon as much (152 grams) contains:

  • 0 grams of fat
  • 2 grams of sodium
  • 11 grams of carbohydrates (including 9 grams of sugar and 1 gram of fiber)
  • 1 gram fiber
  • 43 calories

    One cup of watermelon will provide 17% of vitamin A, 21% vitamin C, 2% of iron and 1% calcium / day. Watermelon is very beneficial for health and beauty.

    Behind the round and cute appearance. Watermelon contains a lot of various nutrients needed by the body. Such as vitamin A, potassium, beta-carotene, minerals, vitamin C and fiber. It feels very fresh and a lot of people who love it. Therefore this time I agan give information about 9 amazing benefits of watermelon for the health of your body:

    1. Healthy Heart. A watermelon contain lycopene. Lycopene in watermelon fruit is very beneficial to your heart health. Lycopene is also good for the health of your skin because it can renew the dead skin cells
    2. Keeping the skin moist. If you have dry skin, Eating watermelon can be a good way to improve your skin's moisture. Because watermelon contains a lot of water content. By eating watermelon, you will also avoid dehydration.
    3. Healthy kidneys. Consuming watermelon waste can also make your kidneys moment. Substances contained in watermelon can lower uric acid, which can reduce the risk of kidney stones. Watermelon also contains a lot of water that can make urine flow smoothly. If our urine smooth, naturally healthy kidneys.
    4. Reduce Body Fat. And the last of the benefits of watermelon there can reduce the fat in our body. Because watermelon contains citruline. Citruline works to burn fat in the body
    5. Preventing Hypertension and Stroke. In watermelon are carotenoids. Serves to prevent hardening of the arteries and veins that can cause hypertension. Watermelon also contains potassium which serves to lower blood pressure and heart healthy.
    6. Healthy eyes. Watermelon can also make your eyes healthy. Because watermelon contains vitamin A which is needed by the eye. With sufficient vitamin A, watery eye fatigue can be cured.
    7. Boost the Immune System. In addition to containing vitamins A, watermelon also contains vitamin C, which serves to strengthen the body's resistance to disease. When the content of vitamin C in our bodies are balanced, we are so not easily hurt
    8. Protects from free radicals. Air pollution caused by fumes, factory smoke and polluted air is very dangerous when taken into the body. Watermelon contains carotenoids that can neutralize toxins that enter the body.
    9. Bones strong and healthy. Watermelon can also make your bones stronger, because watermelon contains potassium. Potassium works to maintain calcium in the body. So that your bones and joints will remain healthy.

                    Watermelon does contain a lot of nutrients, but not too excessive eating this fruit, because your blood pressure may decrease and the head became dizzy. Eat in moderation. May be useful.

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