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15 Tips for Beginners Fitnes for Maximum Results

Fitnes Tips For Beginners for maximum results - If you are just starting fitness and want to look perfect body, in this article I will provide information about 15 fitness tips for beginners. 15 tips are the most powerful way of fitness that is guaranteed to change the appearance for the better in a short time. Changes certainly will not happen overnight, but the muscles of your body is guaranteed to be growing rapidly. You have the patience to train and diet, in order to get optimal results.

Fitnes Tips For Beginners

Fitnes Tips For Beginners

1. Focus on Fitness Equipment "Free Weight"

When you enter the fitness center or gym, you will be amazed by the stunning variety of fitness equipment. You might be tempted to try them all one by one. Believe me, the great tools it will not be much help you have the ideal body. For starters, dumbbells and barbells are two of the best tools. Both fitness equipment is included in the category of free weight.

2. Perform the basic movement

There are so many forms and a variety of exercises to build muscle. For starters, the exercise is too heavy will not be much help. Exercises that are too heavy can be a bad effect on the body. You may be tempted to try a wide variety of fitness exercises that you read in a fitness magazine,. But believe me, the exercise will not be too influential. If you want to get maximum results in a relatively short time, do the movement or the basic training on an ongoing basis. Exercise routines should be filled with basic movements such as squats (squats), deadlift, dumbbell and barbell bench press. This is the correct way to fitness beginners.

3. Choose An Exercise Program and Be consistent

If you want to get into shape in a short time, you can not do the exercises at random and irregular. You need a training program and must have a routine. You can ask a personal trainer or a friend who is an expert in the field of fitness. About the most appropriate exercise program for you to live. The exercise program for each person varies between one and the other. It depends on the condition of the body and the goals to be achieved.

Having an exercise program can also create a more efficient workout. When entering into the fitness center, you already know how to do anything. You will not be silent and thought, "What should I do first?" Or, "Which tool that I have not tried?" Such a question would not arise because you already know exactly the sequence of exercises that should be done.

4. Do not Practice Every Day

You will not get maximum results if practiced every day. The body will fatigue, may appear a few injuries, which result in less than the maximum muscle growth. Exercise too infrequently will not give optimal results. The most fitting exercise is to train each muscle group at least twice in one week. Free time workout more complete you can read here.

The period of rest is as important as exercise time. Within a week, you can practice for 3 or 4 days. Time exercise interspersed with periods of rest. For example, consider the following training programs:

Monday: Exercise whole body.
Tuesday: Rest.
Wednesday: Exercise whole body.
Thursday: Rest.
Friday: Exercise whole body.
Saturday: Rest.
Sunday: Rest.

Not often exercises are important. The most important is to exercise a little bit but the routine. This will make the muscle growth become more leverage.

5. Train Each Muscle Group Every Week

I emphasize again, it is best to train each muscle group at least twice a week. Exercise too often adversely affect your body. Exercise too infrequently will also bring less than the maximum results. To get a perfect body in a relatively quick time, practice regularly. Train each muscle group with the right program and the time is right.

Fitnes Tips For Beginners

6. Learn about each exercise correctly

Fitness exercise that right is not about how hard you lift the barbell capable. Nor is it a matter of how much you can lift it. Fitness exercise that right is a matter of doing the exercises with proper movement, with a stable frequency. Learn the proper form of movement for each exercise that you live.

If you choose lifting weights, notice how the proper body position. Notice how the position of the hand grasping a barbell rod. Focus on the right moves. Therefore, start from the smallest barbell. Slowly, if you've mastered the right moves, you can add a barbell weight bit by bit. This also applies to other types of exercise.

7. Add Weight Gradually

This is a continuation of the previous point. Once you master the exercises, you can increase the weight of the barbell little by little. Then record your workout progress. Record how much weight you could lift in training today. Try to increase the weight of the barbell every two weeks. This will create a body of trained and quickly adapt. Your muscles will grow rapidly.

8. Be careful when you exercise

When practicing, try to stay in a safe condition. Do not let make your body injuries due to collapse of heavy equipment. When you've started practicing wearing fitness equipment with heavy loads, use seat belts to protect the lower back. At this time, you may not have back problems, but not until you suffered in the times to come.

9. Eat Lots of Protein

Protein is very important in the formation of muscle. The best protein derived from natural food. You can find protein in chicken, fish, eggs, milk, nuts, and some vegetables. For maximum results, most experts recommend consuming at least 1 gram of protein for every pound (1 pound = 0.45 kilograms) of weight.

10. Make sure your body is not shortage Calories

In addition to protein, for the formation of muscle in your body also needs enough calories. The caloric needs of each person is different, depending on many factors. To determine the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) you, use the calorie calculator. In addition to the link, you can search for other calorie calculator on search engines such as Google, Yahoo !, and others. You can also wear your favorite calorie calculator.

Calorie calculator will calculate the number of calories your body needs, based on how active you are. If you have a job that does not move too much, it will need fewer calories. But if your job is a very active type of work, it will need more calories.

11. Add mealtime

Try to eat 4-5 times each day. Try to eat every 3-4 hours. Do not let you starve.

12. Avoid Junk Food

Please note, you are addressing is solid muscle and large. Not a pile of fat on the abdomen and other body parts. Eating a lot, does not mean you can eat carelessly. Pay attention to what you eat. Eat quality food such as lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Yes, your body still needs fat in the correct dosage. Lack of fat will also adversely affect the development of the body.

Leave the junk food, sweets and fatty foods such as fried. The right time to eat quality food this is after exercise. If you're not training, keep eating quality foods on a regular basis.

13. Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

Besides macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) your body also need micronutrient (vitamins and minerals). Both are very important for the body. Disadvantages one of them will be bad. Make sure that both types of these nutrients into the body in balance. So, the consumption of fruit and vegetables every day. This will make the development of muscles to be faster than you can imagine.

14. Rest In Enough

Your body needs adequate rest. Again, rest is as important as exercise time. You can not stimulate the body to practice continuously without stopping. For a long time, the effect will be very bad.

Body muscles did not grow during exercise. The muscles in the body develops even when you sleep. So, make sure you sleep enough every night. The duration of sleep the most ideal time is about 8-9 hours.

15. Have a Healthy Lifestyle As Kay An Athlete

Note the athlete's lifestyle. Almost all athletes have a lifestyle that is amazingly healthy. They really pay attention to all aspects of their lives. Whether it's practice time, rest time, and other times in their lives. They know exactly what is needed and the body does not need them. Because tiulah, I wonder if most athletes have incredible stamina strong.

Try to have a healthy lifestyle as an athlete. Avoid intake of which will only damage the body. It's useless if you train your body hard, but you still consume the intake-intake that is not needed by the body. The muscles of your body will not develop to the maximum.

Thus 15 fitness tips for beginners most potent. By following all the above tips, you will get the desired body in a fast time. Remember, the key to success, there are three, namely: focus, consistent and hard work. Perform three, and success will come to you sooner than you expected.

Congratulations to practice...


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