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10 Diet Tips for Healthy and Safe

10 diet tips for healthy and safe - Everyone wanted to have a healthy body and ideal. But to have a healthy body and the ideal is not easy, many people who diet are not right to have the ideal body weight, they are not aware how the diet will actually harm the body. Here I will describe 1o safe and healthy diet tips that you can try to get the ideal body weight but do not harm health.

10 Tips for a healthy diet

1. Start today

To lose weight not only with the intention alone, but need real action with vigor and determination. If you do not start today how your weight will go down.

2. Do not overdo

Everyone still need 1200-1500 calories per day to keep the body fit. If you reduce your intake drastically kolori until the only remaining 600-800 calories per day then your metabolism will slow down. If that happens, then the chances of fat to accumulate in the body even greater. Not that you get a slim body, but instead illness came.

3. Set targets according to ability

Before starting a diet program, you must have a target. Do not be too excessive, weight loss of 0.5 kg in a week is an ideal target. If your weight decreases dramatically also not very good and dangerous to health. To motivate you, try hanging jeans or your favorite hot pants that have long hidden in the closet place that is easily visible.

4. Breakfast early

Do not deprive your morning meal. A study revealed that 4,000 adults in the United States who successfully lose weight by 15kg in a year are those who never forget breakfast. If your usual breakfast at 9 am, then advance the breakfast at 7 am, so that the energy burning process starts sooner.

5. Do not copious breakfast

You can start a breakfast with 300 -400 calories, but do not eat high-fat foods. You could try the breakfast with wheat bread and stuffed one egg. It could also be coupled with a bowl of salad. Or you can also have breakfast with 100 grams of rice with a piece of fish plus a bowl of vegetables.

6. Chew food total of 36 times !!

Tips for a healthy diet this one looks trivial, but it is important to do so that your diet program a success. Try to count how many times you chew, if less than 36 times try plus up to 36 times. The more you chew, the food will be easier to digest, you will feel more easily satisfied.

7. Exercising

Do the exercise for 60-90 minutes, as many as 3-4 times a week. You can combine gymnastics and walking, doing each for 3 minutes, the sport is quite effective to burn fat in the body. If there is any chance, was walking around the house or office for 5 minutes every hour, it can burn fat 200-300 calories.

8. Much Drinking Water

If less drinking you will be dehydrated and the kidneys become severe. This calls will disrupt your body's metabolic system. Suppose you drink water as much as 1.5 liters or 8-10 cups per day, without doing any diet, then within one year of your body weight could be down as much as 2.5 Kg.

9. Many food fibrous

Fiber has the importance of a role in the case of the fat. The more fibers that enter the body. The volume of stool will be easily enlarged, due to the nature of the fiber that absorbs water. So you will defecate more smoothly and orderly. Every adult membuthkan fiber as much as 21 grams / day. If you are accustomed to eating fruits and vegetables, increase the portion menjdai 5 cups per day, you can divide it into five meals.

10. Do not Just Eat Fruit

You certainly will feel hungry if only eat fruit and vegetables alone. Fixed enter 15% - 20% protein in every meal menus you to increase metabolism. Your digestive system needs protein to metabolize.

So is 10 a safe and healthy diet tips that you can do, may be useful for the reader as well and have the ideal body you are no longer a dream.


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