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5 Diet Mayo Menu and Down Method 20 Kg Weight in 13 Days

Mayo Diet Menu and How to Decrease Weight 20 Kg in 13 Days - Diet mayo has a name that is getting hit in Indonesia. One type of diet and healthy diet has become very popular even among celebrities. One celebrity who apply the mayo diet this way and succeed is Fitri Tropica.

Comedian and presenter is able to lose weight up to 6 kg during the diet program mayo Fitri Tropica healthily for 13 days.

By Fitrop, this moment immortalized in his personal instagram account. He uploads photos while running the first day and 14th day diet after diet.

The difference is very noticeable. So, how do tricks on how to lose weight with this diet mayo? Is it really generate?

mayo diet

List 5 Mayo Diet and How to Get off weight of 20 Kg in 13 Days: Original (Mayo Clinic), Dr. Oz, and Experience Success

Mayo Diet Fitri Tropica - Dropped 6 Kg 13 Days

One artist who is known successful diet mayo is Fitri Tropica. Presenter and comedian running mayo diet for 13 days and managed to lose weight 6 kg.

In instagramnya account, upload Fitrop before-after photos that look different. In the photo, the caption on Fitrop also provide tricks diet mayo successful, ie not eat salt, do not eat ice, and do not eat rice for 13 days.

To run the mayo diet for 13 days, Fitri Tropica seem to use catering services mayo diet. This is evident from her post on instagram account owner who also call the mayo diet catering.

Results Fitri Tropica mayo diet is not only 6 kg for 13 days. Moreover, the schedule coming months Fitri Tropica also be smoother and healthier. Interested in trying this style diet Fitri Tropica?

Mayo Diet Mona Ratuliu - Dropped 5 Kg 1 Week

Diet mayo la Mona Ratuliu also is not foreign to the ear dieters. Because, in addition to writing on his personal website, Mona Ratuliu also share the success of the diet mayo on one talk show private TV station.

Good on her website as well as on the talk show, Mona Ratuliu claimed success down to 5 kg in the first week he's diet mayo.

How does diet mayo Mona Ratuliu? Here's the full review, as reported on the personal website of the artist.

First, restrictions and conditions

Abstinence from ala Mona Ratuliu mayo diet is salt. While the conditions that must be fulfilled is 2 liters of drinking water per day or 8 glasses of water, and the water you drink instead of water ice. As there is in the diet mayo Fitri Tropica who did not drink ice.

Second, the advantages diet

If diet mayo Ratuliu Mona is done correctly and not deviate in the slightest, the weight can come down is 7 to 8 kilograms.

Third, the study of diet

In personal website Mona Ratuliu also mentioned that the mayo diet has been investigated to help make the state body chemistry for the better. So when the weight had gone down, it will not get fat again.

With conditions, diet mayo after 13 days, the 14th day was not indiscriminate or excessive eating, normal.

Fourth, 1 times a year

Mona Ratuliu mayo diet should only be done during the first times of the year.

Fifth, if you forgot the rules

One of the things that need to be understood in this mayo diet is that if you make a deviation in the 10th or any other day, the diet mayo that you run must be repeated from the first day.

Otherwise, the weight is going down but it is likely to get fat again is very large due to irregularities during the diet.

Sixth, some mayo diet tips - extra

Here are some additional diet tips for you who want to try this diet Mona Ratuliu mayo;
  • Lettuce eaten raw
  • For vegetables, not too long cooked and make sure no salt. Eg boil 1 bunch of spinach without salt and not too long to cook
  • Beefsteak without salt (unsalted) butter fried wear Denish
  • Hours last meal is at 6 pm
  • Drinking water every hour
  • When the diet should be at home, because they can BAK 8 times a day
  • All the food is almost all absorbed by the body, so its rare CHAPTER
  • When this diet, you do not fear too thin, because it shed fat diet.

Seventh, diet mayo diet Mona Ratuliu

The following morning meal menu 1-13 Ratuliu Mona diets;
  • 1 cup of tea or coffee brewed with 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar on days 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10
  • 1 cup of tea or black coffee mixed with 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar plus 1 slice of toast on day 4, 6, 11 and 13
  • 1 large carrot grated raw already rough with lemon juice citrun on days 5 and 12
  • 1 cup of brewed coffee or tea without added sugar in the 7th day

The following menu style diet foods Mona Ratuliu at noon on days 1-13;
  • Day 1 and 8, eat two boiled eggs, tomatoes, and 1 bunch of spinach
  • Day 2 and 9, consume 150 grams of steak boiled or fried, 1 fresh pear fruit, and lettuce
  • Day 3 and 10, eat two boiled eggs, pear, and 1 bunch of spinach
  • Day 4 and 11, eat carrots are boiled briefly, 1 boiled egg, and cheese trim weighing 20 grams
  • Day 5 and 12 consume 250 grams of chicken steamed with a little butter sauce that is not salty
  • Day 6 and 13, eat lettuce that has been given citrun freshly squeezed orange juice and 250 grams of chicken steamed
  • Day 7, eat one fresh fruit (pear fruit can) and 150 grams of steak fries

The food menu diet mayo Mona Ratuliu at night;
  • Day 1 and 8, eat lettuce that has been given citrun freshly squeezed orange juice and 150 grams of steak boiled or fried
  • Day 2 and 9, consume 1 banana plus 250 grams of steamed chicken
  • Day 3 and 10, you can eat lettuce that has been sprinkled with orange citrun plus 250 grams of steamed chicken
  • Day 4 and 11, consume citrun, 1 full cup papaya and 1 cup nonfat milk
  • Day 5 and 12, you can eat lettuce, 250 grams of steak boiled or fried, and spinach
  • Day 6 and 13, you can eat a raw carrot shredded size which has been given a rough and citrun juice. Combine with 2 poached eggs
  • Day 7 You can eat two boiled eggs plus 2 bananas

How? Prescription diet mayo presented Mona Ratuliu very easy to imitate, is not it?

Mayo Diet Dr. Oz - recognize the effects of diet for the body

In the event Dr. Oz Indonesia, several times explained about a healthy diet. One is when there's an audience who inquired about the diet without salt that does not directly refer to the mayo diet program Dr. Oz.

In the episode, dr. Ryan and dr. Raisa was accompanied by a guest nutritionist, dr. Grace. And the following is a summary of the answers to questions about the effects of diet without salt;

First, the importance of salt for the body

Diet without salt or no salt may have a negative effect for the body. Why, when it does not consume salt, water can not be attached to or retained in the body. That is, once taken, the water would be easier to be discarded or excreted.

Impact mayo diet dr. Oz is apparently also visible from Mona Ratuliu style diet could BAK 8 times per day.

On the occasion, dr. Grace provides an illustration of the salt is left open, then the salt will be wet because it absorbs water.

Also occurring in the body, if there is salt in the body, then the water will be retained. If not, then no hold or absorb water.

dr. Grace also added an illustration of the condition of the patient has diarrhea and should drink a mixture of oral rehydration salts from water, salt, and sugar. Its function is none other than that of patients with diarrhea are not deprived of water or dehydration because of fluid you drink salt serves to absorb the water to be retained in the body.

Second, the fluid loss vs luruhnya fat - lose weight

Furthermore, explained also that the result does not consume salt, body fluids will be a lot missing. Impact, when weighed weight is down in large numbers.

However, it is feared, missing only the fluid, not fat in the body.

Also added to the occasion, the diet mayo dr. Oz without salt could possibly get rid of fat. However, the percentage of fat wasting less than the percentage of the waste liquid.

Third, the impact of calorie consumption slightly

One significant impact on the consumption of calories too little is the yo-yo syndrome.

Explained later, the intent of the yoyo syndrome in diet mayo Dr. Oz is that weight is easily possible to go down, but also easy to ride any more weight.

So, before choosing a diet mayo menu you want. The good, first consult with a nutritionist.

Original Diet Mayo - Mayo Clinic Diet

Less fit taste if we do not discuss about the original diet in an article titled mayo diet mayo and way down the weight of 20 kg in 13 days we this time. Mayo diet is one way to fast diet invented by Mayo Clinic.

Initially Mayo Clinic conducted research to find a healthy diet and lifestyle is good for man. And this was discovered mayo clinic diet.

Actually, this diet is not a diet that aim to lose weight. Broadly speaking, this diet is intended to run healthy habits and lifestyle.

Therefore, this original mayo diet invites us to make healthy habits and carry out regular exercise. So they can avoid the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and sleep disorders. The bonus is to lose weight permanently.

There are two sections in this original mayo diet, following his review;

Part 1 - Lose It

The first part is the section known in Indonesia that two weeks diet, or a diet of 13 days here, let's call it a diet mayo Indonesia. In this phase, dieters must run the original mayo 5 healthy habits (Healthy habit) that includes;

  1. healthy breakfast
  2. Regular exercise 30 minutes a day
  3. Eat vegetables and fruits
  4. consumption of wheat
  5. Wearing healthy oils like olive oil

Instead, dieters should leave the original mayo 5 bad habits that include;

  1. Avoid eating while watching TV
  2. Do not eat a snack or snack except fruit and vegetables
  3. avoid sugar
  4. Keeping the meat diet
  5. Avoid eating in the main restaurant fast food
  6. In part 1 - Lose it, the result of diet mayo Indonesia is able to lose the weight from 2.7 kilograms to 4.5 kilograms.

Part 2 - Live It

This phase is carried out after phase Part 1, the second phase of mayo diet changes during your life. That is, after the first phase passed, you still have to run a healthy habit. This phase is not as tight as the first phase, because here, you only need;
  1. Learn about eating
  2. Choosing healthy foods
  3. Mayo diet plan menu selection and remain in a healthy habit
By implementing healthy habits, you can get permanent weight loss.

In this second phase, it is mentioned that the results of mayo diet is to lose weight up to 1 kg per week. In this phase, you still have to run a regular physical exercise as one of the central habits in a healthy lifestyle.

Experience mayo diet success down to 20.5 kg by Beverly

Beverly was a woman who did the original mayo diet stably. That is, he did not just run this diet for 2 weeks, but actually follow the recommended part in the Mayo Clinic Diet, the Lose It and Live It.

With diligence healthy lifestyle ala Mayo Clinic, his weight dropped to 45 pounds, equivalent to 20.5 kilograms.

Stories of successful experience mayo diet is shown below;

Initially Beverly have excess weight, so he does not have confidence in appearance.

Long story short, when his father died at the age of 60 years due to heart disease in 2011, Beverly realized that he was at great risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The husband was advised to follow a diet program quickly mayo. Beverly was agreed and determined to find a long-term solution for the problem of heart disease and diabetes earlier.

The result, after undergoing phase Lose It, Beverly managed to lose weight by 10 pounds, equivalent to 4.5 kilograms.

After a phase of Lose It finished for 2 weeks. Beverly went on a diet mayo Live It phase of success on a continuous basis. And the result, as many as 20.5 kg weight loss she endured.

Not only that, her health improved and fears of diabetes and heart disease no longer exists.

Here are some notes and tips on the mayo diet mayo diet Beverly's experience;
  1. His confidence back and now often gather with friends
  2. Fruits and vegetables as a healthy snack diet mayo, while a special snack that he likes is the natural peanut butter with banana thinly sliced ​​wheat bread plus
  3. Mayo diet focus is on healthy lifestyle changes overall. Diet tightness done during the first 2 weeks, which is in phase Lose it. After that, the dieter can eat anything suitable moderation and under control.
  4. Beverly advises that healthy weight loss can not be obtained overnight, but must go through stages. Beverly believes that everyone can execute this mayo diet because they can choose foods that are adapted to living options with a fixed exercise.

Similarly, information on Fitri Tropica mayo diet program, diet Mona Ratuliu mayo, mayo diet dr. Oz or that have been discussed in dr. Oz Indonesia, diet mayo diet mayo Original or original and successful experience mayo diet.

Hopefully recipes or diet mayo diet mayo diet mayo recipe and menu and how to get off weight of 20 kg in 13 days at the above beneficial to us all.


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